Kinds of cigarettes.

Kinds of cigarettes

Many folks all over the world smoke ciggies and despite the fact that ciggies exist for many centuries, they became very popular only in the twentieth century. People smoke cigarettes of various types as well as various cigarette brands, apparently smokers are going to smoke regardless of the ciggie cost and the damage provoked by them. And here one can find definite common ciggie types:

Ciggies without filter - such ciggies do not contain such part like filter and hence may be burnt from the side you like. Not having filter the type of cigs have the level of tar and nicotine 30-45% higher than the filtered ciggies, for such a reason they are the most powerful cigarettes and because of this fact they are considered to be more hazardous.

Filter-tipped cigarettes (or typical cigarettes) - are found to be less destructive than those in previous paragraph. The chief matter cig filters are produced from is cellulose acetate. Its principal objective is to diminish the volume of fume, little particles and tar inhaled while enjoying smoking.

Light ciggies - are believed to have more "delicate", not so evident savor as usual cigs and folks think that such cigs contain not so much of nicotine and tar. Actually the only difference between regular and light ciggies consists in ciggies filters - light cigarettes filters are fenestrated with small holes that hypothetically permeate tobacco smoke with some clean air.
Flavored cigs - are made with the help of flavored tobacco. They are less regular and can be met only in special shops. The aroma the kind of cigarettes produced with are vanilla, cherry, chocolate, orange and clove.

Menthol ciggies - in this variant of cigarettes tobacco is blended with menthol - the composition educed from the mint oil. This matter triggers cold-sensitive nerves without real lowering of the temperature and thus it generates the impression of cool and pure smoke. In addition menthol is thought to supress the excretion of nicotine and for this reason creates lasting feeling of “wooziness”.

Herbal cigs - these cigarettes do not have tobacco and nicotine, they are produced from diverse herbs and other plant components such as lemongrass, mint and cinnamon. Such ciggies are the perfect cigs to be taken as a surrogate for people that are leaving off smoking.
Cigs for women - as a matter of fact they are equal to typical ones with a slight distinction in shape - ciggies of this sort are slimmer. It is supposed that they are elegant and emphasize the fineness because ciggies for fellows are bigger. 

Marlboro tale

Marlboro is the ciggie trademark produced by Philip Morris International since 1924. It appears to be one of the most well-known cig trademarks in the world due to its considerable motorsport sponsoring and brilliant advertisement tactics. Lots of smokers assume Marlboro to be the best ciggies due to their intense and gorgeous taste. Hence despite the cig price Marlboro smokers are rather loyal to this label.
Marlboro label is marketing standard and legend. This cigarette label is referred to as an example when discussing the result of successful changing the image of the brand. Excellent slim women's cigs in a snow-white soft bundle turned into strong cigarettes in solid bundle destined for tough as well as steadfast personalities.
The company history sets in in the midst of the 19th century, the time when Philip Morris, an English seller of tobacco, had begun his personal tobacco plant in London, in 1924 the very brand appeared. These cigs were meant for self-confident and successful girls. Cig filter was of a red coloring, that was invented for the ladies' lipstick not to bring red traces on the cigarette cover. That time the brand was nice, very womanly and... The product didn't sell good enough. 50s of the twentieth century were characterized for the label with poor selling in the USA - they accounted for only nought point twenty five of overall tobacco sales. That decade academic studies concerning lung cancer and smoking emerged and the sales of all tobacco business went down greatly. And then the decision to revive the label was made. Marlboro manufacturers decided to make guys the target audience of the brand positioning the ciggies as the emblem of risk, maleness as well as adventures. Cowboys, sportsmen, mariners and pilots were the chief figures of the stylish publicity actions. For 1 year only the sales of the brand cigarettes flew up more then 10 times.
After 1964 the creators determined to leave only the cowboy of all Marlboro figures and the cowboy of Marlboro was relocated in a colorful as well as tough mythical Marlboro Land. And by 1972, Marlboro had been the most popular ciggies all over the world and has taken up this status for majority of the succeeding years. In 1993 Marlboro was the most expensive label in the international market of consumer products with the market price of 39. 5 billion green-backs.
Now cigarettes of this label take the top of the TOP-fifteen of the most well-known cigarette labels of the world and the sales of Marlboro brand are steadily increasing every year.

Five pros on smoking provided that there are such.

There is an interesting tendency that can be viewed in the enlightened age of ours. Day by day the number of smoking people is growing in spite of the cig prices and the amount of money smokers have to outlay on them. Despite all the admonitions of Ministries of Health of all countries and doctors' views on the carcinoma of lung cigarette brands are still realizing superior ciggies and receiving gigantic sales. Internet is overflowed with various articles covering facts about the damage ciggie produces, books as well as magazines are advising latest means of quitting smoking in one voice. But the quantity of smokers is steadily growing…

A lot has been written about the harm cig induces to our organism. But are there any good sides of smoking?
  1. Firstly smoking is a process of social growth. A lot of folks begin smoking as a step in their process of growing-up; they desire to express a remonstrance to the society, show that they have notion and a position of their own.
  2. For some people cig is a method to get rid of the stress. A cig helps to collect oneself and relax; sometimes it is not the nicotine effect, but the very smoking act that assists in settling down.
  3. Medical science was never sure in things touching nicotine. On the one part - it is an inartificial pharmaceutical substance, on the other - the root of various troubles. Unlike the politics (to permit smoking, to forbid ciggies) science is not guided by black and white colors as well as common handlings. It is also passionless; the significant thing here is justice. And the justice is that all 4000 ingredients of the tobacco fume even from consideration of statistics just can't be exclusively hazardous. The nature is more profound than those who are researching it, that's why creating tobacco environment has set on the scales both colors. Some medical studies have demonstrated that smoking may be a factor to age infirmities avoidance, such as Alzheimer's as well as Parkinson's diseases.
  4. Nicotine helps to control ones heaviness for sure.
  5. Nicotine stimulates blood circulation and restores veins. So nicotine gives comfort to those who are agonizing from the impairment of circulation and to the diabetics.

It should be added that above mentioned facts do not suggest that one have to begin smoking with the iatric purpose. Besides nicotine there are a lot of harmful components in tobacco. And it is always a matter of close reflection and weighting the pros as well as arguments against smoking to see if one have to discontinue smoking or not. 

How i can order cigarettes online?

Internet has simplified some areas of modern life. These days every person can easily acquire nearly everything he requires in online shops, which offer great assortment of outputs, like tobacco products, certainly. But a inquiring “How i may place an order for cigarettes online? ” is a sincere one for newcomers in net shopping. Here we should notify that ordering items in such stores is without exception inexpensive than buying something in traditional shops. You can be agreeably stupefied by the prices on cigarette products which are rational and even below in such cigarette stores online. There are some simple steps to follow if you desire to buy cigarette products online. 

1. First thing especially using net search you should find the cigarette stores online which are selling cigarettes. 
2. Next audit if the selected online stores suggest the trademark you desire. The Search part of the site can help you. 
3. When assimilate the cigarettes prices at many stores and check the payment system they use, payment terms and conditions. 4. After that review the fees for shipping these websites are paying. Sometimes contingenton the size of your order you should get a free delivery. And any tobacco stores online can price fees for each box of your order.
 5. Discover how much time you should look forward for your best cigarettes brands to be transported. In situations you are ordering these cigarette products as a gift or you need them promptly, the time of delivery could play a very relevant part in selecting the store. 
6. You can consult with another people who worked with similar stores to order cigarettes online and find out about the sites they worked with. Word of mouth is generally the best technique to find a trusted and safe site to work with, as in this event you can be sure you won't be deceived. Also such people may say to you on the time of delivery. 
7. By now that you have done certain research on the Net and have selected the online shop you be able continue to the very order. Find the buying form on the selected store and fill in all needed fields. Suggest the order. 
8. Now that you’ve done every step required only wait for the cigarette products to be delivered and once brought take pleasure in your cigarettes! 

As though, cigarettes shops online have lots of preference over classic ones and these are: 
 - As it was as of now informed beyond and that should help you to economize few money.
- sSimilar sites are very appropriate; you can make an order from whatever place you are and whenever you wish. 
- Online shops suggest a diversification of cigarette tobacco brands to fit, everyone flavor. 

Cigarettes trade in different places of the world.

Being thought dangerous smoking is limited in lots of countries with the help of burden as well as smoking policies. Because of the burdensome dues ciggie costs are rather big in regular outlets and the only way for the smoker to stock some money lies in buying ciggies in the Internet. In case you don't know how to purchase cigarettes in the Internet and have never worked with online shopping, web search will assist you here.

Tobacco sales is very huge business for both raw tobacco materials (tobacco leafage) and the result (ciggies). The greatest importers of tobacco substances are the United States and Russia, as well as Brazil is the greatest sellers.

In the meantime, in lots of places around the world trading of tobacco products and cigarettes may shortly be accredited only in chemist's shops and only with the help of prescription. Different places around the world have diverse age limits on trading of cigarettes, in some places around the world it is not allowed to sell cigarettes to children under 18, in others - the age restrictions is extended to the age of twenty one. For example, in Japan there are indeed the type of vending machines which will not give you the opportunity to get cigs without particular licence stating your age. Though in some countries of CIS having lawful basis the sort of restraints are not carried out and are not actually controlled by the government.

The strictest regulation against smoking was made in Finland in 2010, that cuts short cigarettes distribution among teenagers as well as limits the presence of tobacco products in the shops shelves. Giving or sale of tobacco products to under-ages is punished with an onerous penalty or imprisonment for up to six months. This act regulates the importation of tobacco goods into the state - individual persons are permitted to import not more than 30 cig bundles having the weight of 50 gr each only for private use, sales of the imported by the private individual cigarettes is prohibited, futhermore it is vetoed even to offer cigs as a present. The tough antismoking embargo has concerned both regular shopes and stores in the Internet selling ciggies - online stores are not sanctioned to sell tobacco products.

Futhermore people voyaging abroad have to verify the amount of cigarettes permitted to take with in order not to be heavyly punished at customs.

Therefore getting cigs in the Internet is sometimes the only way to get cigs and economize some cash in those countries where cigarettes market is weak or the access to tobacco products is limited.

A History in Marketing of Marlboro Brand Cigarettes

In 1902 Phillip Morris, a British cigarette manufacturer, opened a corporation in New York. They sold such brands as Cambridge, Derby, and Marlboro. Each brand they sold ws named after streets in London towns. In 1924 Phillip Morris introduces Marlboro as a womans cigarettes with the slogan "Mild as May". A series of adsa in 1926 depicted a womans hand reaching for a cigarette. While other ads featured stylish women poseing in plush settings. By the 1950's Babies were telling their moms and dads what a great smoke Marlboro was.

During World War II the brand faltered and was taken off the market. Shortly after the war three new brands were introduced carrying the names Camel, Lucky Strike, and Chesterfields. In 1942 Readers Digest published articles that stated that no matter what brand you smoked they were all the same and eash was just as deadly. And in another article they linked smoking to lung cancer. This is when Phillip Morris reintroduced Marlboro as the safer filtered cigarette. Unable to break away from smoking, due to the nicotine adiction, many smokers were breaking their loyalties to try new brands of filtered cigarettes. Phillip Mirris revised their campaign from "Mild as May" to the "tattooed man" which appealed to the male smoker who was concerned with lung cancer.

Esquire proved that there was nothing feminine about the filtered cigarette with ads depicting the new image of the nw Marlboro smoker which was the lean, relaxed, outdoorsman type. The same old flavor was being presented in the safer consumable filtered form. The ad read:

"man sized taste of honest tobacco comes full through. Smooth-drawing filter feels right in your mouth. Works fine but doesn't get in the way. Modern flip top box keeps every cigarette firm until you smoke it." (Phillip Morris Marlboro advertisment 1955) This being the birth of the original Marlboro man. Who was later changed to the cowboy we know of today.

Today advertisments aren't in the traditional campaigns we know of such as print ads in the newspapers and the ads on the television. In 1998 the tobacco settelment agreement changed the way cigarettes are advertised. Advertisments in magizines are regulated and is only prohibited in adult magizines. And only in ways that does not direct the ads towards underaged smokers. Phillip Morris provides incentives to stores that place their brands within their displays that help Phillip Morris communicat to the adult smoker. They also direct mail promotions that offer coupons and other promotional incentives to the adult smoker. They also conduct a number of brand related events that is only conducted in adult only facilities and age verifications is proformed by state issued ID's with the persons birthdaqte, address, and photo.

There are different varities of Marlboro which includes Full Flavor, Lights, Ultra lights, Medium, menthol, and the blends. In all there are more then 30 Varities of this one brand. It also should be noted that in august of 2006 the U.S. District Court handed down a ruleing that the terms "low tar","lights","mild", "ultra lights," or natural which they have declared misleading can no longer be used.

There are a number of web sites that offer Marlboro and other cigarettes at discounted prices. Phillip Morris states on their web site and on their international web site that they do not endorse such sales and that any company that does sell Marlboro is doing so illegally. The federal Government restricts such sales and are systematicly sutting down such sites. It is stated by the sales repersentitive of Phillip Morris international that the illegal sales of tobacco not only deprives the government of tax revenue but it also harms legitmate trade channels as well as hinders the efforts in youth provention programs set in place.

Phillip Morris has set forth a strict marketing code that they emforce. Their marketing code is strictly geared towards the adult smoker and is in no way directed towards the youth. This code is set in place for Two reasons: it follows their corporate responsibility and it is part of their commitment in the provention of youth smoking. Here are some other key points to their marketing code.

1. Heath warnings are a manditory part of their packageing.

2. They avoid advertising on clothing and other appearl.

3. They avoid advertising in publications even the promitted one because of them being seen by the general public including children.

Phillip Morris also helped start programs that are geared towards the youth provention insmoking they donate money to programs that encourages children to achieve educationally. They also have scholarship programs that offers underpriviledged kids the opertunity to attend summer camps. They now have programs to help adults who want to stop smoking such as quit assist. The programs are availible through their web site as well in medical offices.

Marlboro can not be advertised in ways we are familiar with because of the restrictions and regulations. But they still remain the number one sellin brand on the market today. Wherther its through the spoken word or their mail promotions they still get their point across. And advertise in untraditioanl ways. They don't offer pop displays or free samples but they do offer promotions in the form of coupons and specials like buy one get one free. Their price range is 2.69 a pack to 5.00 a pack depending on where you live and where you buy them.

They are sold in locations like convienence stores, supermarkets, and gas stations.


Phillip Morris usa. Online at

Phillip Morris international online at

Richard Kluger Ashes to Ashes: America hundred year cigarette war, public health and the unabashed triumph of Phillip Morris.

Marlboro Advertising Oral History 1926-1986: By Stacy Flaserty & Mimi Minnick November 2000 Availible online at

Low tar cigarettes don't work 1999 edition By Dr. Martin Jarvis: Healt behaviour unit.

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